Becoming Comfortable [With Being Uncomfortable]


This week has been one heck of a Rona-Coaster. Who else is feeling it?!

One of my favourite podcasts Girls Gotta Eat, made an episode all about this with Gestalt therapist Adela Raffa. It’s well worth a listen for those who might need a little guidance in this emotionally fuelled time.

Gestalt therapy works with the here and now, the present and taking each day, by day then going from there.

I’ve been working to get to know myself more during isolation, to better understand why I feel and act in ways I do and to work through my triggers. Ultimately we all want to be the best versions of ourselves we can be, but during such uncertain times this can appear to be unreachable due to the challenges we’re all facing in our everyday lives whether emotionally, physically or spiritually. We’re being forced into situations that we never expected or wanted for ourselves and it all feels a bit too much, overwhelming and suffocating.

What came to mind during this week was the Hermit card, in the Tarot. This card represents how it’s necessary at times to retreat, isolate and reflect on a situation in order to learn how to act in the future.

Being aware is the first step to understanding more about ourselves.

Reflecting can often be uncomfortable, especially when memories from the past may be raw and the trauma still feels too real.

Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable will aid us in overcoming our fears.

Setting small goals each day and asking questions to ourselves if we’re feeling uncomfortable. Why do I feel sad/angry/upset/triggered? Where is the feeling in my body? What can I do to fix this? How am I going to fix it?

We don’t all love getting up early in the morning, forcing ourselves to workout, pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones because it can all feel too challenging these days.

The crazy thing is that by setting small goals and challenges we will essentially feel better by completing them.

Overall it’s important to not be so hard during these times of uncertainty and to take each day by day, moment by moment.

We need to work towards understanding rather than rejecting, listening rather than ignoring.

By adopting a little bit of a Hermit persona we can emerge from this more loving, understanding and accepting of ourselves and each other. Now is the time to act in a gentle and caring way to bring about a better brighter world.

As they say, be the change you want to see in the world.

Listen to the GGE episode here


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