The September Issue: Cleaning
Bunny Mellon’s library at Oak Spring Garden
September is one of, if not my favourite month.
Wherever you are in the world the weather is usually gorgeous. The sun is shining, late Indian summers or in the southern hemisphere spring starts to poke her head out.
It’s also one of the more overwhelming months. It’s edging more towards the end of the year and it feels like we’re all suddenly scrambling to get everything done.
All the plans we had for the year we now realise need some serious working on. Have we achieved everything we want to? Am I going to get this done in time?
Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht - an old Yiddish adage meaning ‘Man Plans and God Laughs’.
There’s always more that can be done and it can feel overwhelming.
I find one of the most relaxing tasks at this point of the year is a clearing-out. Looking around, organising draws, cupboards and cleaning. I start to realise how much mess I’ve accumulated over the last few months and get excited at the thought of Marie Kondo-ing the place.
It’s so refreshing to clean away the old and re-organise to help open-up fresh space. It welcomes in new energy and the clarity we all need in these hectic times.
The world externally is in turmoil as we know it. But what about our inner world? That, we have an immediate opportunity to change.
Wherever you are in the world if you’re feeling the overwhelm, why not try out the latest trend? - The September Clean.