Welcome to the NEW NORMAL


I’m so happy to be sharing this new website with you. It’s an updated portfolio of the work I’ve been busy on from the last few years and beyond.

I recently returned to Melbourne after living in London for 10 or so years and made the decision to give myself a fresh start with how I run my practice as an Artist and Designer.

As I write this, Melbourne is currently in stage 4 restrictions, due to COVID-19, which has definitely allowed plenty of time to rest, reflect and reconnect with my work as an Artist, and to better define where I want to be going.

My greatest aim for sharing my Art is that it will inspire and bring some joy to the world in such a dark and confusing time. You may already know this but Art has a great power, in that it heals and sparks inspiration and joy. For a long time I pushed this knowledge aside and would act out, sabotaging my happiness in favour of what I liked to call ‘quick fixes’.

There eventually came a time when these quick fixes stopped working and I would fall into a deeper and deeper depression. Perhaps it was a calling of the heart but something told me to pick up a pencil again and from there I couldn’t stop. What I’ve learnt is that Art is like oxygen, drawing is like oxygen. Focusing attention into making something beautiful and being able to share that with you is the greatest gift I could ask for.

I hope you’re all well, staying safe and healthy and will enjoy what is to come.

Please send a message if you feel inspired at any point or need someone to talk to, we’re all in this together <3


COVID’s Impact: Hunting and Gathering