Anitya: Solo Exhibition Invite

Here’s to third time lucky inviting you to and announcing my upcoming solo exhibition at Off the Kerb gallery “Anitya”.

Originally scheduled for August, then September and finally now fingers crossed for December – I’m thrilled to be able to invite you to the show of which I have been working on for over a year.

With all these lockdowns in Melbourne we’ve had to rearrange dates multiple times and it’s been incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking to see the affect the pandemic has had on the Arts industry. But we’ve grown from the experience and are coming out of lockdown finally (perhaps slightly fragile) but stronger than ever… Because what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!

I want to say a big thank you to Shini for her hard work, patience and dedication to keeping spirits high during this time. It’s been a mammoth task to reschedule everything and I’m three times as excited that it’ll finally be happening.

Find the full exhibition details here.

Anitya by Imogen Rolfe
2 - 17 December 2021
Off the Kerb
66B Johnston St, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia 3066

Please email to request the catalogue.

Imogen Rolfe InviteA December date.jpg

Artist Profile: Léon Bakst


Portrait Series: Amphitrite