Portrait Series: Amphitrite

After one special trip to the local beach, which I’ve been frequenting of late – I found masses of seaweed that had washed up onshore.

To put this to use I decided I would make a portrait using some of the varieties I collected, which is now getting a second (or third life) drying as part of another project I’m working on.

It was so different working with seaweed as opposed to the land plants I often use in my work.

Everything from the smell, the texture, the form – all totally natural and normal and fascinating but at often times disturbing.

I find it so important to interact with nature as it helps as to keep grounded and remember who we are at our core.

A quote kept running through my mind as I put together the look, though I can’t quite place who said it first or in what exact way it’s been resonating with me deeply as I spend more time by the beach: we came from the sea and we return to whence we came from.


Anitya: Solo Exhibition Invite


Art of the Day: Primavera by Sandro Botticelli